Booking Overnight Accommodation: Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfast with Canny Compare

booking hotels

Finding booking details for hotels, guest houses and bed & breakfast is easy with Canny Compare.

If you select Compare from the main menu you enter the main page for finding all sorts of places, not just hotel accommodation. Hotels and lodging is the default selection, which includes bed and breakfasts and guest houses. You can change this to many other search options, such as restaurants, cafes, businesses, services and places to visit, to name just a few.

You can enter the name of the town or city in which you want to search. When you start to enter the name of the town a drop-down list of town names will appear. You should select the correct town from this list. If you like, you can also enter the name of the street, in which case the search is centred on the street. There is also the possibility to search at your current location, by selecting the blue Current Location button next to the town entry field.

booking hotels search canny compare

You can also zoom the map in and out, either by using the scale displayed on the left side of the map or by using the mouse wheel or by pinching the screen on a mobile device.

Icons will appear on the map which represent the places you are searching for, such as hotels. If you click on the icon you will see more information about the place, such as its booking details, street address, telephone number, email address and website. You can use this information for making bookings with the place. We are intending to extend CannyCompare soon so that bookings can be made directly on the site.

Below the map you will see Google Street Views in all four directions north, east, south and west. The street views will change automatically when a different place icon is selected on the map. Thanks to Google for providing these maps.

google street view booking hotels

You can select the Street View images with your mouse (or your finger on a mobile device) and move them around to get different views. There is also a button called Alternative Street View. If you select this you get a different view of the same place, taken from a slightly different perspective.

The Street Views are the default selection, but you will see a tab to the right called Details where you can get even more reservation and booking details for the place. You can read reviews about the place and see a slide-show of pictures of the place, if there are any.

You will also see a tab called My Selection. This can be used for temporary storage of the places you consider to be possibilities, until you have decided which is the best place to reserve. You can add places, such as hotels, to My Selection either from the Details tab or from the list of search results which are displayed down the right side of the main Compare page. You can then refer back to My Selection to decide which hotel booking you want.

We hope you enjoy using CannyCompare and that you find it useful for finding and booking hotels, accommodation, restaurants and other places. If you like it, please recommend it to your friends or link to it from other web sites.

You can find more information on how to find places in the help section Searching for places

Add your Property for Free: Hotel, Guest House, Bed & Breakfast, Vacation Rental Accommodation

holiday rental cottages

Whether it is a hotel, guest house, bed and breakfast or private rental accommodation, it is welcome on CannyCompare. Any type of property can be added to CannyCompare. If you don't find your property type on CannyCompare let us know and we will consider adding it.

You can add booking details for your hotel or rental property on CannyCompare for free. The great thing is, you enter the details and booking information of your property and CannyCompare creates a complete web page just for your place. This web page can be found both by search engines such as Google and anyone performing a search directly on CannyCompare.

All that for free. You can't get a better deal than that!

CannyCompare allows you to add booking details for vacation (holiday) rental properties, long-term rentals, home exchanges, student accommodation and properties for sale or to let. Whether your place is a villa, a house or an apartment it is welcome on CannyCompare. Your place could be as simple as from a room in an apartment to a country house, it doesn't matter.

Once you have entered your property details and booking information you can go back and edit them at any time. You can easily delete your place if you wish. We are not one of those annoying sites which make it difficult to delete things.

You can find more information about how to add places in the help section Adding your place

Add your Restaurant, Business or Service

CannyCompare is not just about hotels and properties, you can enter almost any type of place - completely free.

This can be restaurants, cafes, shops, stores, business, service, health, education and places to visit

car sales business services

You enter the details of your place and CannyCompare creates your individual web page. You can enter reservation and contact information. There is also a menu entry for Recently Added Places where your place will be added.

Canny Compare is not just for businesses. If you offer a personal service such as gardening or dog walking you can add it.

Let's suggest a few examples of what you could add. You could show photos of your restaurant and your food. You could add a car salesroom, with pictures of the cars, your contact information and your location displayed on a Google map with street views. If you own a shop, you could enter it with enticing photos of your products.

You could be a doctor or dentist who wants to advertise his contact details. You could be an electrician, a mechanic or plumber.

Online businesses and web shops can be entered in Canny Compare for free, but remember only one link to your official web site is allowed.

CannyCompare is for serious people offering real properties, businesses or services. It's no place for spam, so if you manage to enter spam it will be deleted. We are aware on CannyCompare !

Canny Compare: Legal Matters

CannyCompare is free service and if you use it you do so at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for your bookings or possible disappointment with the hotels or places you select or any accidents or financial problems you may have as a result of using CannyCompare to find booking details.

There are a few types of places that can't be advertised on CannyCompare. These include anything illegal or offensive or advertisements which appear to be spam. CannyCompare does allow textual descriptions of your place and a valid link to the place's official website, but it does not allow spam links to other sites. We reserve the right to delete any place which we deem to be inappropriate.

From our side, we do promise not to pass on any of your confidential data to third-parties. We will not send you advertising in the post or via email or by telephone. You can easily delete your place and your account at any time.